But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Acts 1:8
Going Global 20.20.20:
Going Global is an opportunity for every member of Flint-Groves to be an active part in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost world. There are three powerful elements to this initiative; Prayer, Fasting, and Giving.
The idea is simple, combining these three spiritual disciplines to produce maximum results.
Here’s how it works:
20 – On the 20th day of each month, we agree to skip lunch or another meal so that we can pray and fast for our Missions.
20 – We agree to pray for at least 20 minutes for our Missions and the highlighted mission opportunity.
20 – We agree to make a sacrifice and give at least $20 that we would have spent on lunch that day to Missions.
If we had 200 people giving $20 a month this would be $48,000 a year to further the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our community, inside the body of Flint Groves, as well as throughout the city are a people we feel the Lord has entrusted us to care for. We aim to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those around us.
Local Ministries: Salvation Army, Gastonia Street Ministry, Community Care Center, Hispanic Ministry, Brookside Christmas Boutique, Trail Life, American Heritage Girls, Groves Counseling Center, Tru Life Ministries, Battered Women's Shelter, Nursing Home Ministries
We believe the Word of God instructs us to extend our reach beyond the walls of our community. Now, more than ever, the people of the United States are looking for a Savior. It is our responsibility, as the body of Jesus Christ, to proclaim His name and the Good News He brings.
States we have served: Mississippi, Florida, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Utah, New Mexico, New York, Alaska, Maryland, West Virginia, Alabama, New Orleans
Revelation 7:9 teaches that one day every nation, and tribe, and people, and tongue will bow before our Heavenly Father. All nations are in need of a Savior and as long as the Lord provides people and resources, we will continue the work of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.
Nations we have served in: Russia, Thailand, Albania, Haiti, Bahamas, China, Zambia, Czech Republic, Puerto Rico, Israel